Sunday's Red Bull Stratos event, The total jump, from leaving the capsule to landing on the ground, lasted approximately ten minutes While the free fall was initially expected to last between five and six minutes, Baumgartner deployedDiscuss and explain several reasons for the changes to the speed of sound with increased altitude The helium balloon that carried the Stratos capsule up to the stratosphere has a maximum volume of x 10^8L At 39km above sea level, it could experience a temperature of 57 Degrees Celsius and a pressure of atmRed Bull Stratos Medical Operations Overview of Medical Operations 6 Recovery Hazardous terrain in landing zone, wildlife, traumatic landing Medical Personnel Results –"Air Doc" follows capsule/Felix in Red Bull helicopter, evaluates Felix after landing * –2 EMS rigs ("Forward/ Tail Rig") positioned to respond
96 000 Ft Test Jump Success Red Bull Stratos 12 Youtube
Red bull stratos capsule landing